Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Batman (1989)

HAHA! One of my favorite superhero movies of all time and yes, its as great as Nolan's Batman. Directed by the twisted maestro Tim Burton this was THE superhero movie for a very long time. It has a just the right mix of the comic element and the gritty to make it a perfect watch for fans of all ages. Note that Batman has been in continuous evolution since his original inception by Bob Kane in 1939. He has passed through numerous hands and phases including the iconic Batusi dancing version of Adam West to the gritty old man in Frank Millers Dark Knight comics (1986). Burton's Batman draws inspiration more from the latter than any other source and while still rooted in its comic origins. Whereas, the Batman we are now familiar with, the dark and foreboding character of the (k)night, is based more on the recreation by Frank Miller forgoing all camp often found in comic-book movies. That aside, this movie is still one hell of a ride.

First up, the star of this movie is once again, you guessed it, JOKER. A grinning, electric buzzer wielding, 3-foot long gun totting, 'i'm only smiling on the outside' psychopath played to near perfection by the ever-amazing Jack Nicholson. His character is a mix of the insane and the terrifying. If he's one second cracking jokes about his own looks then the next he's jamming a quill down a man's throat. He is the character we fell in love with, the one that has been portrayed to perfection, and if there were to a contest on who the best Joker was, he'd win hands down (No offense to Mr. Ledger, he did a terrific job but his impression was just plain scary and lacked the eery comic sense that has always defined the Joker).

Michael Keaton's batman leaves a somewhat to be desired physical appeal, but is made up amply by the expert direction and screenplay. Batman's first entry on the rooftop where he beats up two thugs and holds one over the edge only to introduce himself to him is one of the greatest Bat-Scenes ever. And this movie has the BAT-PLANE!!!! What more can you ask for?? The scene where it emerges out of the clouds and stalls in front of a full moon to form the Bat-Symbol is enough to make the ten year old within you scream for joy.

Yes, there is an abundance of camp and cheese that might put off many of the present day Nolan-purists but this movie isn't about trying to be intellectual. It assumes that we already know the values the BAT stands for and builds upon it in childish yet dark-action packed way that only Tim Burton could accomplish. It will yank at your memory cells and remind those of you who you used to enjoy the comics and cartoons when you were younger. It is about cool toys and cars, of a caped crusader of precarious morals but oh so cool to look at, of a crazy guy in a purple suit that you cant help but love and the idea that one man can make the difference. So if you havent yet watched it, do yourself a favor and rent it atleast.

Holy super video tapes Batman!! We have to watch this!!

Verdict : Super Like!!

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