Sunday, February 20, 2011

LOST (the TV series)

I don’t remember how it began, all I know is how it made me feel when it ended. For nearly two years now I have been watching this series and in that all that while I have quit it more than once but now as I’ve atlast come to its end, I’m kinda glad I always came back. It may not always have been perfect and god knows that its left enough ends open to drive hard core fans mad with frustration, but there was a sweetness and a sense of fulfillment down to the very last frame that it will take ages (if ever) before the silver screen can ever dream of matching up to it once again.

In short, it’s the story of a bunch of people who survived an airplane (Oceanic 815) crash on a strange island filled with smoke monsters, shabbily dressed ‘others’ whose only job seems to be tormenting the survivors, time travelling portals and vaults with buttons that need to be pushed every 108 minutes to prevent the world from ending. PHEW! Seems heavy, right? Right. It is. It is a story with enough twists and turns to give a roller coaster ride an inferiority complex. One minute you think of the place as an island lost in time, the next it will seem like hell (or purgatory maybe) with god and the devil fighting over the duality of humankind nature. It is a tale woven with such intricate detailing that the pieces are falling into place right till the end and all of it shot with such meticulous detailing that you will struggle to remind yourself that its not real. And the characters! The characters! What can I say that is not already said by enough people already? John Locke, Linus, Sawyer, Shephard, Desmond! The list might as well comprise of the entire cast because each and every one of them is beautifully etched out by the writers and brought to life by the actors. They are a pure joy to follow.

But that is not the reason why I write now. It lasted six seasons and I’d be lying if I said I remembered pretty much what went on. I’m not a fanboy here to rave about how cool to backstory and mythos of the series are (though they evidently are) or tell you that you must watch this. That’s up to you. All I’m here for is to…. I don’t know. I finished watching it, and for some reason I suddenly felt sad and happy all at the same time. For all its twisted plots, when it finally struck its last chord, it wasn’t one of heroism or good & evil or of even survival, but instead of a simple idea called LOVE.

It reminded me that its not about the end or even the journey, but who you take along with you on that journey. Life is a complicated, bitchy sort of phenomenon that we all have to ‘live’ through :-) .It will always have its ups and downs and though you might achieve a lot and do many great things in the course of this life, you will never be able to appreciate it until you have someone who is willing to go on the ride with you. Its about having a hand to squeeze when the your roller coaster is just tipping at a peak or a face to kiss when you get off all trembling. We all need someone, and though we might never accept it, it just makes the road so much more easier.

Admit it. We are human and we aren’t meant to be alone.

I don’t know about you but I’m a strong believer in the person they call the THE ONE. The one who is meant just for us and we for them. The one who will be the yin to my yang (that doesn’t sound right :P). Many will scoff at the very thought but I cannot help it. It just makes too much sense to me and perhaps its faith that we are here for a reason (another concept that the show deals with beautifully). Life is too short to be spent living in doubt and denial. Perhaps I will turn out to be wrong and it will end only in disappointment, but if I’m right then I’ll be happy. I’ll be content. And in a world as fickle as this, it will be more than anyone can ever dream of.

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